Thursday, May 5, 2011

whitewater deaths


Jim McDougal, Heart Attack in Solitary  March, 8 1998  (Witness in Whitewater)

may 18 1993 John A. Wilson (Former Wash D.C. councilman, hung)

july 20 1993 Vincent Foster (Whitehouse Deputy Counsel, Gunshot to mouth, neck wounds)

august 15 1993 Jon Parnell Walker (RTC Investigator on Whitewater, fell from top of Lincoln Towers).


april 27 1996 William Colby, canoe drowning (former Director of the CIA, editor of "Strategic Investment" which hired experts to investigate Vince Foster's suicide note)

august 25 1996 Neal Cooper Moody, Car Accident (Step Son of Vince Foster Widow, Lisa)

march 29 1998 Johnny Lawhon, Car Accident (Found Whitewater Canceled Check in Car after Tornado)

Henry Hamilton (Bag man for payments from McDougal to Gov. Clinton)


Vincent Foster (Whitehouse Deputy Counsel, Gunshot to mouth, neck wounds)

Jon Parnell Walker (RTC Investigator on Whitewater, fell from top of Lincoln Towers). 
 John Parnell Walker was a Washington investigator who had been probing into the Whitewater case, of which Vince Foster may have harbored more undisclosed knowledge than anyone. Walker "jumped" out of a window from the 22nd floor of an apartment building on August 15th.

John A. Wilson (Former Wash D.C. councilman, hung)

Johnny Lawhon, Car Accident (Found Whitewater Canceled Check in Car after Tornado)
Neal Cooper Moody, Car Accident (Step Son of Vince Foster Widow, Lisa)

William Colby, canoe drowning (former Director of the CIA, editor of "Strategic Investment" which hired experts to investigate Vince Foster's suicide note)
details about facts surrounding the death

Ralph Baker (Arkansas, automobile)
Ralph Francis Baker (1938–1998), Madison County Sheriff from 1973 until 1998 when his automobile was swept into the White River while crossing a low water bridge resulting in his drowning death on January 5, 1998.[5] Ralph Baker was under investigation by the FBI at the time of his death, real estate ventures [6] and missing funds from the Madison County Drug Eradication Fund, along with other allegations were more than likely the cause of the federal investigation
link to another story about ralph baker:,+automobile)&cd=2&hl=en&ct=clnk&
related to ralph baker:
David McElyea, a longtime resident of the county penned a book titled When Money Grew on Trees: The True Tale of a Marijuana Moonshiner and the Outlaw Sheriff of Madison County, Arkansas. The book is a tale of David's exploits and his relationship with Sheriff Ralph Baker.[10] In 2009 he committed suicide by slitting his throat in a Fayetteville Walmart Supercenter after being detained for suspicion of shoplifting.[11]
link to details about ralph baker:

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

dates for complete list

SUBSECTION: List of Names
Revised 7/14/00
Vincent Foster July 20, 1993 (Whitehouse Deputy Counsel, Gunshot to mouth, neck wounds)
Kathy Ferguson May 11, 1993 (ex-wife of Clinton co-defendant, Gunshot to head) Kathy Ferguson, the ex-wife of Arkansas State Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead with a gunshot wound to the head, in Sherwood, AR. On May 11, 1993,
Bill Shelton 12 June 1994 (Arkansas state trooper, Kathy Ferguson's fiancee, Gunshot to head)
Susan Coleman  Dec 9 1992 (Alleged Clinton Girlfriend, 7.5 months pregnant, Gunshot to head)
Jon Parnell Walker August 15,1993 (RTC Investigator on Whitewater, fell from top of Lincoln Towers)
Niko Junic (In charge of the radio beacon/Brown Crash, Gunshot)
John A. Wilson May 18 1993 (Former Wash D.C. councilman, hung) Found dead from an apparent hanging suicide on May 18, 1993. He was a former Washington DC council member and claimed to have info on Whitewater.
Terrance Yeakey 1996 (First policeman at the Murrah Building, gun shot wound/slashes)
Ian Spiro    November 1 - 6, 1992   (Inslaw Witness, Gunshot to Head/cyanide)
Sharlott A. Donovan (Ret TechSgt/WH Comm Office, Plastic Bag over Head)
Admiral Boorda  May 16th, 1996 Chief of Naval Operations  (CNO, gunshot chest)
Frank Aller (Clinton roommate at Oxford, repentant of draft dodging, Gunshot to mouth)
Robert Bates March 21 1995  (Mena mechanic, witness) - drank himself to death on mouthwash. Robert Bates, Barry Seal's aircraft mechanic at Mena died March 21, 1995 of an "overdose of mouthwash". Regarded by local authorities as an obvious homicide.
James Bunch ?/?/?                   ("Black Book" keeper, gunshot)
Wallace Blaylock (husband of Lenora Steinkamp - lady in Drudge video taped 93 aired 9/98, gunshot)
Raymond Albright June 28, 1985   (shot 5 times in chest, ruled suicide by M.E. Malak)
Charles Wilbourne Miller, Dec 1 1999  Charles Wilbourne Miller Died 1/12/99. Vice President and Board Member for Alltel, the computer company that wrote the White House "Big Brother" computer system. Found shot to death with two guns. Multiple shots had been fired. Declared a suicide.             Exec of Alltel - successor to Jackson Stephen's Systematics (gunshot)
Gordon Matteson (Clinton friend/associate, Shot to head)
Danny Casolaro  August 10, 1991          (Investigator Inslaw, "Octopus" - Wrists Slashed)
Calvin Walraven (Witness Jocelyn Elders son's drug case, Gunshot)
Marine Cpl Eric S. Fox, assigned to helicopter squadron for president (gun shot to head)
Peter John Berwick, shot to death witness in federal investigation Arkansas company
John Arthur Paisley (CIA, gunshot to head, found in river…)
Laurence Martin 10-13-1998         (OKC surviver, suicide by plane crash)
Kenneth Trentadue (OK prisoner)
Li Fuxiang (foreign exchange, jump)
John I Millis (House Intelligence, CIA)
Evan Hunziker (held in North Korea)
Charlene Edwards (INS Miami)
Franz Lanz (ARL scientist, informant)

Mary Mahoney July 6, 1997    (Former White House intern shot multiple times in a Starbucks, pockets picked, no cash register money taken)

Luther "Jerry" Parks September 26, 1993 (Provided security for Clinton's campaign, multiple gunshots)

Kevin Ives August 23, 1987 
 (Witness to Mena, skull crushed, left to be run over by train)
Don Henry August 23, 1987  (Witness to Mena, stabbed, left to be run over by train)

Eric Butera 
December 1997 (Starbucks informant, beaten to death in sting)

Undercover Job Costs DC Informant His Life; Victim Robbed,...

Pay-Per-View - Washington Post - Dec 6, 1997
... police said it appeared that the informant -- Eric Butera, 31, of Alexandria -- had been attacked by several men who robbed him and fatally beat him. ...
3 Charged in Death of Police Informant;...‎ - Washington Post (Pay-Per-View)
The Washington Times: Informant aiding...‎ - Washin

Jeff Rhodes April 1989 (Ives/Henry Witness, gunshot to head)

Ed Gould (Clinton's HIV/AIDS Advisory Council, Toxic)

Florence Martin (Accountant with info on Barry Seal, Gunshot to head) 
Florence Martin Accountant subcontracting to CIA. Related to the Barry Seal case. Dead of three gunshot wounds to the head. At the time of her death she had the account numbers and PIN for a bank account in the Cayman's in the name of Barry Seal which held 1.4 million dollars. Immediately following her death, the money was moved to someplace in the Virgin Islands. 

Alder Berriman 
??/??/86         (Barry) Seal (Mena, Murdered)

Keith McKaskle   November 1988  (Ives/Henry Informant, Stabbed)

Gregory Collins January 1989 (Ives/Henry Informant, Gunshot to Head)

James Milon (Ives/Henry Informant, Decapitated)

Richard Winters July 1989 (Ives/Henry Suspect, Shotgunned) 

 Winters was a suspect in the deaths of Ives & HenryHe was killed in a “robbery” in July 1989 which was subsequently proven to be a setup. ...

Jordan Ketelson June 1990 (Ives/Henry Informant, Shotgunned)

Larry Guerin February 1987 
 (Inslaw Investigator, unknown)

Alan Standorf Jan 31 1991   (NSA, Inslaw Investigator, unknown)

Dennis Eisman April 5 1991 Aattorney with information on INSLAWEisman was found shot to death on April 5, 1991    (Inslaw attorney, Shot)

Mitchell D. Abel, 1986 (Cocaine dealer and student re Tyson, Gunshot)

Mike Samples June 1995    (Ives/Henry witness)

Eric L. Henderson 1997 (financial advisor to Ron Brown, shot while riding bicycle)

Steve Leung (investor in China, beaten)
Mary Beth (Pixie) Grismore (politically connected, murdered)
Judy Danielak (journalist, sniper)
Cecil Boren (by escaped inmate, tainted blood whistleblower)
Lee Scott Hall (stabbed, Lawrence Livermore Lab employee)
JohnD Muskopf (CIA Analyst, murder in robbery attempt)


Jim McDougal, Heart Attack in Solitary  March, 8 1998  (Witness in Whitewater)

John Crawford (Informant Inslaw, Heart Attack)

Susie Deer (Clinton's mother's patient)
Laura Lee Slayton (Clinton's mother's patient)

Victims of HIV contaminated blood taken from Arkansas prisoners and sold to Canada and perhaps elsewhere

Stanley Huggins  
June 24, 1994       (Partner, lawfirm investigating Madison Guarantee) pneumonia
6/24/94 Date: Friday, David Flaum "....Stanley M. Huggins, 46, principal in the Memphis law firm of Huggins & Associates, was found dead Thursday morning in Newark, Del. He apparently died of viral pneumonia in the dormatory room where he was staying at the University of Delaware, said Virginia Wilson, an associate at Huggins& Associates. Huggins was spending a week teaching at the American Bankers Association Stonier School of Banking at University of Delaware, she said....... Huggins specialized in working with banks and savings and loan associations. ..... Most recently, he was in the spotlight in connection with the Whitewater Development Corp. probe involving President Clinton. 

John Hillyer  (NBC cameraman, Mena information) heart attack

Ricky Ray Rector (Arkansas prisoner mentally ill) execution

M Franklin Squires (Sematech, heart attack)

Carlos Ghigliotti (FLIR, heart attack)

Eddie Pack (McNulty investigator, burst of microwave energy causing cancer)

Sheriff Jack Harwell (Waco, heart attack)


Barbara Wise   Nov 29 1996  (ITA John Huang Associate found dead, nude, in a locked office at Commerce)

Paul Tulley     Died: 9/24/92   (Democratic National Committee, in Hotel Room) 
 Died: 9/24/92 - Found dead in a hotel room in Little Rock Arkansas of "unknown causes." No autopsy allowed. - Described by Clinton as a "dear friend and trusted advisor. Tully authored several key strategies for Clinton and the party. Paul Tully, 48, Democratic National Committee political director and architect of a strategy to make the party competitive again in presidential elections, was found dead in his hotel room on September 24, 1992, in Little Rock, Arkansas of unknown causes. Authorities speculated his death was from a heart attack or stroke. In a press release, then-presidential candidate Clinton called Mr. Tully "a dear friend and trusted adviser." He said he was "deeply saddened by the loss." Tully devised a strategy of targeting states based on their value in the Electoral College, and coordinating the presidential campaign with state and congressional races.

Boonie Bearden? Disappeared (Ives/Henry Witness)

Paul Wilcher 
 6/22/93     (Mena Investigator)

Henry Hamilton       (Bag man for payments from McDougal to Gov. Clinton)

  1. Associated Press Archive: Current Quotations

    $2.95 - Associated Press Archive - May 16, 1998
    I turned the money over to Henry (Hamilton) to give to (Bill) Clinton." -- One of a number of claims by Whitewater figure James McDougal...
    In A New Book, James Mcdougal Alleges...‎ - The Dispatch
    Mcdougal Book Alleges Payoffs Made To...‎ - Daily Sentinel
    Clinton Agreed to Pardon Susan McDougal,...‎
    Post And Courier
    all 55 news articles »

Gary Baugh Jan 8 1994 (Lassater Attorney, alleged jump disputed)January 8, 1994. Baugh's partner committed suicide exactly one month later on February 8, 1994.  

Ray Walsh (briefed on wildfires, died in sleep)

Ron Miller    October 12th, 1997 

Kearn A Cottingham (Loral employee)
FOIA officer 


Ron Brown,  March 3 1996    Plane Crash (Commerce, Pathologists question wound to head on xrays) – see section on Ron Brown Plane Crash

Victor Raisner, Plane Crash died: 7/30/92   (National Finance Co-Chair Clinton for President)
R. Montgomery Raiser, died: 7/30/92     Plane Crash (Clinton campaign)

Herschell Friday,       3/1/94             Plane Crash (Presidential Campaign Finance Committee)

Paula Gober, Nov 9 1992 She died in a car accident on December 9, 1992 with no known witnesses 
  Car Accident (Clinton Speech Interpreter)

Stanley Heard, Plane Crash September 10, 1993 (Clinton Health Care Advisory Committee)
Steven Dickson, Plane Crash (Clinton Health Care Advisory Committee)

Johnny Lawhon, Car Accident  March 29, 1998  (Found Whitewater Canceled Check in Car after Tornado)

Theodore Williams, December 16 1997 Betty Currie's brother, Beaten before Betty's Senate testimony then Car/Pedestrian Accident during Monica story(Key Witness' brother)

Theodore Williams, Jr. Bettie Currie's brother. Died: 12/16/97 - Traffic accident. A passing car hit the brother of Presidential Secretary Betty Currie after his own car had somehow run off the road. Bill Clinton called Monica Lewinsky at 2:00 AM the next morning to tell her of the death and alert Monica that her name appeared on the Paula Jones witness list. Betty's brother had also been beaten shortly before Betty testified in a previous matter.

Shelley Kelly, Survived Brown Plane Crash - died hours later (Stewardess)

Judy Gibbs, ?/?/?                         Fire (Alleged Clinton Girlfriend, Witness) 
Penthouse model and call girl..
Judy Gibbs, who appeared in the December 1979 issue of Penthouse, and her sister Sharon were part of a house of prostitution in Fordyce, Arkansas that also engaged in blackmail of it's more powerful clients. Linked to Bill Clinton by both her own family and by one of Bill's bodyguards, Judy had just decided to cooperate with police in an investigation of Arkansas cocaine trafficking when she burned to death inside her home from a fire of undetermined origin.

Keith Coney, July 1988 04/??/88 Motorcycle Accident  July 1988 (Ives/Henry Witness)
Dr Donald Chumley, Plane Crash (Physician at the OKC Murrah building)

Jim Wilhite, Ski Accident Dec 21 1992 (Friend of McLarty) Wilhite was an associate of Mack McClarty's former firm. Wilhite died in a skiing accident on December 21, 1992. He also had extensive ties to Clinton with whom he visited by telephone just hours before his death. 

Dr. Ronald Rogers, Plane Crash (Informant)
Paul Olson, Plane Crash (Witness)
Neal Cooper Moody, Car Accident  
Aug. 25, 1996    (Step Son of Vince Foster Widow, Lisa)

William Colby,   
Died - April 27(?), 1996         canoe drowning (former Director of the CIA, editor of "Strategic Investment" which hired experts to investigate Vince Foster's suicide note)
Randall Tyson, choked on a cookie (half brother to Don Tyson)

Woody Lemons, wife and mother, private airplane crash (OKC informant)

Mohammed Samir Ferrat, TWA 800 Plane Crash (Brown connections, initial suspect) – see Ron Brown Plane Crash section
Jan Kopold, accidental fall in Turkey in 1970

Dan Dutko 
 7/27/99       (Head Injuries, Bike accident) DNC Fund Raiser Daniel A. Dutko 
C-chairman of Leadership 2000
died: 7/27/99
Daniel A. Dutko, 54, was the co-chairman of Leadership 2000, the Democratic National Committee's main fund-raising effort. He held many other high-level political positions, including vice chairman of finance for Clinton-Gore in 1995; finance chairman of the 53rd inaugural ball; and vice chairman of finance for the DNC in 1996 (when the Chinese money poured in). Attributed to a bicycle accident in which it's claimed he struck his head on the concrete twice.

David Drye, Plane Crash (friend of Matrisciana – Clinton’s Chronicles, etc.)
Lt Colonel Mark Cwick (auto accident, Clinton pilot)
Major Marc Hohle (helicopter crash Okinawa, Clinton pilot)
Eddie Pack (Waco research, microwave exposure)

Reverend Roger Howard January 15 1994 (Waco research, automobile)
Manual Howard 
January 15 1994             (Waco research, automobile)
James Ray Dobbins     January 15 1994    (Waco research, automobile)

Admiral Donald Engen (Accident investigations, glider crash)
Rep Larkin (see Dixie Mafia section)
Reverend Roger Howard (McNulty investigator, auto hit and struck by car w/2 men)
Manual Howard (McNulty investigator, Reverend Roger Howard’s son, same accident)
James Ray Dobbins (McNulty investigator, same accident)
Ralph Baker (Arkansas, automobile)
Lt Gen McCloud (air accident)
Robert Deas(auto accident, scientist/informant)

Steve Willis, Waco (Clinton bodyguard) 2/28/93 
Robert Williams, Waco (Clinton bodyguard) 2/28/93 
Conway LeBleu, Waco (Clinton bodyguard) 2/28/93 
Todd McKeehan, Waco (Clinton bodyguard) 2/28/93 
Lieutenant Colonel Carmine Calo, Italian UN official killed in Afghanistan bombing
David Gibbs, Kosovo – Apache Helicopter
Kevin Reichert, Kosovo – Apache Helicopter
12 Crewmen from two HH-60 Pave Hawks, Nev
Spec. Anthony W. Brown, 29 - Ft Campbell Black Hawk 4/99
Pfc. Earl C. Eoff, 29 - Ft Campbell Black Hawk 4/99
Sgt. Robert G. Millward, 32 - Ft Campbell Black Hawk 4/99
Spec. James R. Murphy Jr., 25 - Ft Campbell Black Hawk 4/99
Chief Warrant Officer 2 Aaron K. Power, 30 - Ft Campbell Black Hawk 4/99
Spec. Fury J. Rice, 21 - Ft Campbell Black Hawk 4/99
Sgt. Julius R. Wilkes Jr., 23. - Ft Campbell Black Hawk 4/99
4 crew members 1996 Sikorsky military helicopter crash
Pilot and 8 Department of Interior Employees
10 crewmen plus passengers - 11/22/96 King-56 Crash
Staff Sgt. Brian Haney, 
died: 5/19/93  Helicopter Crash (Clinton Bodyguard)
Marine Sgt. Timothy Sabel, died: 5/19/93   Helicopter Crash (Clinton Bodyguard)
Maj. William Barkley, died: 5/19/93    Helicopter Crash (Clinton Bodyguard)
Capt. Scott Reynolds, died: 5/19/93   Helicopter Crash (Clinton Bodyguard)
Aldo Franscoia Secret Service Agent , C-130 airplane crash, Jackson Hole WY August 18, 1996
Capt. Kevin N. Earnest, aircraft commander, C-130 airplane crash, Jackson Hole WY August 18, 1996
Capt. Kimberly Jo Wielhouwer, pilot, C-130 airplane crash, Jackson Hole WY August 18, 1996
2d Lt. Benjamin T. Hall, navigator, C-130 airplane crash, Jackson Hole WY August 18, 1996
SSgt. Michael J. Smith, Jr., loadmaster, C-130 airplane crash, Jackson Hole WY August 18, 1996
SrA. Rick L. Merritt, flight engineer, C-130 airplane crash, Jackson Hole WY August 18, 1996
SSgt. Michael R. York, loadmaster, C-130 airplane crash, Jackson Hole WY August 18, 1996
SrA. Billy R. Ogston, crew chief, C-130 airplane crash, Jackson Hole WY August 18, 1996
Amn. Thomas A. Stevens, loadmaster, C-130 airplane crash, Jackson Hole WY 
August 18, 1996

Maj. Gen. William Robertson 
Died: 2/23/93   eputy Commanding General, V Corps, Europe, helicopter crash, Weisbaden
Col William Densberger  Died: 2/23/93  V Corps Chief of Operations and Plans, helicopter crash, Weisbaden
Col. Robert Kelly Died: 2/23/93      V Corps Chief of Intelligence, helicopter crash, Weisbaden
Spec. Gary Rhodes  Died: 2/23/93      Crew Chief, helicopter crash, Weisbaden
All were killed when their Army UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter crashed in Weisbaden, Germany. No cause was ever determined. - V Corps figured prominently in the US Bosnia-Serbia peacekeeping operations, along with the carrier Roosevelt. These men, and 8 others associated with Clinton's visit to the Roosevelt all died within 4 months of each other. 

Capt Jennifer J Odom, US Army - Colombia
Capt Jose A Santiago – Colombia
Chief Warrant Office Thomas G Moore – Colombia
Specialist T Bruce Cluff – Colombia
Specialist Ray Krueger – Colombia
Lt Cmdr Jon A Rystrom – Hawkeye Crash
Lt William R Dyer– Hawkeye Crash
Lt Robert A Forwalder– Hawkeye Crash
Lt Patrick Ardaiz– Hawkeye Crash
Lt John A Messier– Hawkeye Crash
FBI Special Agent Martha Dixon Martinez
FBI Special Agent Michael John Miller


David Gibbs - Apache Helicopter in Kosovo Conflict
Kevin Reichert – Apache Helicopter in Kosovo Conflict
12 crewmen - two HH-60 Pave Hawks from Nellis Air Force Base, Nev
11 soldiers – 101st Aviation, 7 from 6th Battalion and 4 member flight crew from the 5th
4 crew members 1996 Sikorsky military helicopter crash
Pilot and 8 Department of Interior Employees
10 crewmen plus passengers - 11/22/96 King-56 Crash
Jennifer Odom, Colombia plane crash
2 US Navy aircraft crewmembers S-3B Viking crashed into Gulf
8 in Alabama
2 in Navy training

SOMALIA HEROS US Army Rangers and Delta Commandos

SPC JAMES SMITH B Company 3rd Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment
SGT JAMES JOYCE B Company 3rd Battalin 75th Ranger Regiment
SPC DOMINICK PILLA B Company 3rd Battalin 75th Ranger Regiment
PFC RICHARD KOWALEWSKI, JR. B Company 3rd Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment
SGT LORENZO RUIZ B Company 3rd Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment
CPL JAMES CAVACO B Company 3rd Battalion 75th Ranger Regiment


Ron Brown, U.S. commerce secretary
Duane Christian, Brown's security officer
Adam Darling, Brown's confidential assistant
Gail Dobert, deputy director for the Office of Business Liaison
Carol Hamilton, Brown's press secretary
Kathryn Hoffman, Brown's senior advisor for strategic scheduling and special initiatives
Steve Kaminski, commercial counselor for U.S. and foreign commercial services
Kathy Kellogg, confidential assistant in the Office of Business Liaison
Charles Meissner, died with Ron Brown assistant secretary of commerce for international trade
William Morton, deputy assistant secretary for international economic development
Lawrence Payne, special assistant for U.S. and foreign commercial service
Naomi Warbasse, international trade specialist
Barry L. Conrad, chairman and CEO of Barrington Group, Miami, Florida
Paul Cushman III, chairman and CEO of Riggs International Banking Corp., Washington, D.C.
Robert E. Donovan, president and CEO of ABB Inc., Norwalk, Connecticut
Claudio Elia, chairman and CEO of Air & Water Technologies Corp., Somerville, New Jersey
David Ford, president and CEO of InterGuard Corp. of Guardian International, Auburn Hills, Michigan
Frank Maier, president of Enserch International Ltd., Dallas, Texas
Walter Murphy, senior vice president of AT&T Submarine Systems Inc., Morristown, New Jersey
Leonard Pieroni, chairman and CEO of Parsons Corp., Pasadena, California
John A. Scoville, chairman of Harza Engineering Co., Chicago
Donald Terner, president of Bridge Housing Corp., San Francisco, California
Stuart Tholan, president of Bechtel-Europe/Africa/Middle East/Southwest Asia, San Francisco, California
Robert A. Whittaker, chairman and CEO of Foster Wheeler Energy International, Clinton, New Jersey
Captain. Ashley Davis, pilot
Captain Tim Schafer, pilot
Staff Sergeant Gerald Aldrich, flight mechanic
Staff Sergeant Robert Farrington Jr., steward
Sergeant Cheryl Turnege, steward
Sergeant Shelly Kelly, steward
Jim Lewek, a Central Intelligence Agency analyst
Lee Jackson of the Treasury Department
Nathaniel Nash, The New York Times' Frankfurt bureau chief.
Dragica Lendic Bebek, an interpreter
Niksa Antonini, a photographer.

OKLAHOMA CITY (168+19 TOTAL) April 19, 1995

Aleman, Lucio Jr., 33, Oklahoma City.
Alexander, Teresa, 33, Oklahoma City.
Allen, Richard A., 46, Oklahoma City.
Allen, Ted L., 48, Norman.
Almon, Baylee, 1, Oklahoma City.
Althouse, Diane E. Hollingsworth, 45, Edmond.
Anderson, Rebecca, 37, Midwest City.
Argo, Pamela, 36, Oklahoma City.
Avery, Saundra "Sandy", 34, Midwest City.
Avillanoza, Peter, 56, Oklahoma City.
Battle, Calvin, 62, Oklahoma City.
Battle, Peola, 56, Oklahoma City.
Bell, Danielle, 15 months, Oklahoma City.
Biddy, Oleta, 54, Tuttle.
Bland, Shelly Turner, 25, Tuttle.
Blanton, Andrea, 33, Oklahoma City.
Bloomer, Olen B., 61, Moore.
Bolden, Army Sgt. 1st Class Lola Rene, 40, Birmingham, Ala.
Boles, James E., 50, Oklahoma City.
Bolte, Mark A., 28, Oklahoma City.
Booker, Casandra, 25, Oklahoma City.
Bowers, Carol, 53, Yukon.
Bradley, Peachlyn, 3, Oklahoma City.
Brady, Woodrow, 41, Oklahoma City.
Brown, Cynthia Campbell, 26, Oklahoma City.
Broxterman, Paul G., 42, Edmond.
Bruce, Gabreon, 3 months, Oklahoma City.
Burgess, Kimberly Ruth, 29, Oklahoma City.
Burkett, David N., 47, Oklahoma City.
Burns, Donald E., 63, Oklahoma City.
Carr, Karen Gist, 32, Midwest City.
Carrillo, Michael J., 44, Oklahoma City.
Chafey, Rona, 35, Oklahoma City.
Chavez, Zackary, 3, Oklahoma City.
Sharon Chesnut, 47, Oklahoma City.
Chipman, Robert, 51, Edmond.
Clark, Kimberly K., 39, Oklahoma City.
Clark, Margaret L. "Peggy", 42, Chickasha.
Cooper, Antonio A. Jr., 6 months, Midwest City.
Cooper, Anthony Christopher II, 2, Moore.
Cooper, Dana L. Brown, 24, Moore.
Cottingham, Harley, 46, Oklahoma City.
Cousins, Kim R., 33, Midwest City.
Coverdale, Aaron, 5 1/2, Oklahoma City.
Coverdale, Elijah, 2 1/2, Oklahoma City.
Coyne, Jaci, 14 months, Moore.
Cregan, Katherine, 60, Oklahoma City
Cummins, Richard, 55, Mustang.
Curry, Steven, 44, Norman.
Daniels, Brenda, 42, Oklahoma City.
Davis, Sgt. Benjamin L., 29, Edmond.
Day, Diana Lynn, 38, Oklahoma City.
DeMaster, Peter, 44, Oklahoma City.
Deveroux, Castine, 49, Oklahoma City.
Driver, Sheila, 28, Oklahoma City.
Eaves, Tylor, 8 months, Midwest City.
Eckles, Ashley, 4, Guthrie.
Ferrell, Susan, 37, Oklahoma City.
Fields, Carrol "Chip," 48, Guthrie.
Finley, Katherine Ann, 44, Yukon.
Fisher, Judy J., 45, Oklahoma City.
Florence, Linda, 43, Oklahoma City.
Fritzler, Donald, 64, Oklahoma City.
Fritzler, Mary Anne, 57, Oklahoma City.
Garrett, Tevin, 16 months, Midwest City.
Garrison, Laura Jane, 61, Oklahoma City.
Genzer, Jamie, 32, Wellston.
Goodson, Margaret, 54, Oklahoma City.
Gottshall, Kevin Lee, 6 months, Norman.
Griffin, Ethel Louise, 55, Edmond.
Guiles, Colleen, 59, Oklahoma City.
Guzman, Marine Capt. Randolph, 28, Castro Valley, Calif..
Hagerman, Crystal, 20, Dallas, Texas
Hammons, Cheryl, 44, Oklahoma City.
Harding, Ronald, 55, Oklahoma City.
Hawthorne, Thomas, 52, Choctaw.
Higginbottom, Doris Adele, 44, Oklahoma City.
Hightower, Anita C., 27, Oklahoma City.
Hodges, Thompson E. "Gene," 54, Norman.
Holland, Peggy Louise, 37, Oklahoma City.
Housley, Linda Coleen, 53, Oklahoma City.
Howard, George M., 45, Vallejo, Calif..
Howell, Wanda, 34, Spencer.
Huff, Robbin A., 37, Bethany.
Hurlburt, Anna Jean, 67, Oklahoma City.
Hurlburt, Charles, 73, Oklahoma City.
Ice, Paul D., 42, Midwest City.
Jenkins, Christi Y., 32, Edmond.
Johnson, Norma Jean, 62, Oklahoma City.
Johnson, Raymond L., 59, Oklahoma City.
Jones, Larry J., 46, Yukon.
Justes, Alvin, 54, Oklahoma City.
Kennedy, Blake R., 1 1/2, Amber.
Khalil, Carole, 50, Oklahoma City.
Koelsch, Valerie, 33, Oklahoma City.
Kreymborg, Carolyn A., 57, Oklahoma City.
Lauderdale, Teresa L., 41, Shawnee.
Leinen, Catherine, 47, Oklahoma City.
Lenz, Carrie, 26, Choctaw.
Leonard, Donald R., 50, Edmond.
Levy, Airman 1st Class Lakesha R., 21, Midwest City.
London, Dominique, 2, Oklahoma City.
Long, Rheta, 60, Oklahoma City.
Loudenslager, Michael, 48, Harrah.
Luster, Aurelia "Donna," 43, Guthrie.
Luster, Robert, 45, Guthrie.
Maroney, Mickey, 50, Oklahoma City.
Martin, James K., 34, Oklahoma City.
Martinez, Gilberto, 35, Oklahoma City.
Mathes-Worton, Tresia, 28, Oklahoma City.
McCarthy, James Anthony, 53, Edmond.
McCullough, Kenneth, 36, Edmond.
McGonnell, Betsy J. Beebe, 47, Norman.
McKinney, Linda G., 47, Oklahoma City.
McRaven, Airman 1st Class Cartney J. Koch, 19, Midwest City.
Medearis, Claude, 41, Norman.
Meek, Claudette, 43, Oklahoma City.
Merrell, Frankie Ann, 23, Oklahoma City.
Miller, Derwin, 27, Oklahoma City.
Mitchell, Eula Leigh, 64, Oklahoma City.
Moss, John C. III., 50, Oklahoma City.
Nix, Patricia, 47, Edmond.
Parker, Jerry Lee, 45, Norman.
Randolph, Jill, 27, Oklahoma City.
Reeder, Michelle Ann, 33, Oklahoma City.
Rees, Terry Smith 41, Midwest City.
Rentie, Mary Leasure, 39, Bethany.
Reyes, Antonio, 55, Edmond.
Ridley, Kathryn, 24, Oklahoma City.
Rigney, Trudy, 31, Midwest City.
Ritter, Claudine, 48, Oklahoma City.
Rosas, Christy, 22, Moore.
Sanders, Sonja, 27, Moore.
Scroggins, Lanny L., 46, Yukon.
Seidl, Kathy L., 39, Bethel.
Sells, Leora L., 57, Oklahoma City.
Shepherd, Karan D., 27, Moore.
Smith, Chase, 3, Oklahoma City.
Smith, Colton, 2, Oklahoma City.
Sohn, Army Sgt. 1st Class Victoria, 36, Moore.
Stewart, John T., 51, Oklahoma City.
Stratton, Dolores M., 51, Moore.
Tapia, Emilio, 50, Oklahoma City.
Texter, Victoria, 37, Oklahoma City.
Thomas, Charlotte A., 43, Oklahoma City.
Thompson, Michael, 47, Yukon.
Thompson, Virginia, 56, El Reno.
Titsworth, Kayla M., 3 1/2, Lawton.
Tomlin, Ricky L., 46, Piedmont.
Treanor, LaRue, 55, Guthrie.
Treanor, Luther, 61, Guthrie.
Turner, Larry L., 42, Oklahoma City.
Valdez, Jules A., 51, Edmond.
VanEss, John K., 67, Chickasha.
Wade, Johnny A., 42, Edmond.
Walker, David J., 54, Edmond.
Walker, Robert N., 52, Oklahoma City.
Watkins, Wanda L., 49, Oklahoma City.
Weaver, Michael, 54, Edmond.
Welch, Julie, 23, Oklahoma City.
Westberry, Robert, 57, Oklahoma City.
Whicher, Alan, 40, Edmond. (only SS agent) April 19th 1995
Whittenberg, Jo Ann, 35, Oklahoma City.
Williams, Frances A., 48, Oklahoma City.
Williams, Scott, 24, Tuttle.
Williams, William Stephen, 42, Cashion.
Wilson, Clarence, Sr., 49, Oklahoma.
Woodbridge, Ronota A., 31, Edmond.
Youngblood, John A., 52, Yukon.

WACO (86 TOTAL) 2/28/93 

Michael Dean Schroeder.
Katherin Andrade, 24
Jennifer Andrade, 19
Aldrick Bennett, 35
Susan Benta, 31
Mary Jean Borst, 49
Pablo Cohen, 38
Yvette Fagan, 34
Doris Fagan, 60
Lisa Marie Farris, 26
Ray Friesen, 76
Dayland Gent, 3
Diana Henry, 28
Paulina Henry, 24
Phillip Henry, 22
Stephen Henry, 26
Vanessa Henry, 19
Zilla Henry, 55
Novellette Hipsman, 36
Peter Hipsman, 27
Floyd Houtman, 61
Cyrus Howell, 8
Rachel Howell, 23
Star Howell, 6
Sherri Lynn Jewell, 43
David Michael Jones, 38
Michelle Jones, 18
Serenity Sea Jones, 4
Bobbie Lane Koresh, 16 months
David Koresh, 33
Jeffery Little, 31
Nicole Elizabeth Gent Little, 24
Livingston Malcolm, 26
Douglas Wayne Martin, 42
Lisa Martin, 13
Sheila Martin, 15
Abigail Martinez, 11
Audrey Martinez, 13
Juliete Santoyo Martinez, 30
Crystal Martinez, 3
Isiah Martinez, 4
Joseph Martinez, 30
Jillane Matthews
Alison Bernadette Monbelly, 31
Melissa Morrison, 6
Rosemary Morrison, 29
Sonia Murray, 29
Theresa Noberega, 48
James Riddle, 32
Rebecca Saipaia, 24
Judy Schneider, 41
Mayanah Schneider, 2
Steve Schneider, 48
Laraine B. Silva, 40
Floracita Sonobe, 34
Scott Kojiro Sonobe, 35
Aisha Gyarfas Summers, 17
Gregory Allen Summers, 28
Startle Summers, 1
Hollywood Sylvia
Lorraine Sylvia, 40
Rachel Sylvia, 13
Doris Vaega
Joanne Vaega, 4
Margarida Joanna Vaega, 47
Neal Vaega, 37
Martin Wayne, 20
Mark H. Wendell


Note: the tragedy occurred before the Clinton administration but is included here because of the handling of the aftermath and its relation to the tragedy at WacoSam Weaver, 14
Vicki Weaver
William Degan, US Marshall

DEATHS – TRAGEDY - Columbine High School
Cassie Bernall, 17
Steven Curnow, 14
Corey Depooter, 17
Kelly Fleming, 16
Matthew Ketcher, 16
Daniel Mauser, 15
Daniel Rohrbough, 15
William ``Dave'' Sanders, 47 - Shot twice in chest while directing students down hallway to safety. Survived at least three hours until students were rescued.
Rachel Scott, 17
Isaiah Shoels, 18. Only black youth shot.
John Tomlin, 16
Lauren Townsend, 18
Kyle Velasquez
Dylan Klebold, 17 (perp)
Eric Harris, 18 (perp)


Kristi Beckel, 14
Shawn C. Brown, 23
Sydney R. Browning, 36
Joseph D. Ennis, 14
Cassandra Griffin, 14
Susan Kimberly Jones, 23
Justin M. Ray, 17
Larry Ashbrook, 47 (perp)

Alaskan Airlines

Freeper LarryLied "Perhaps it is too far afield, but it appears the Alaskan Airlines flight which went down several weeks ago was caused by a defective screw jack made in Communist China….."
Baldridge/Larry Jr., Novato, CA
Bermudez/Renato, San Francisco, CA
Bernard/Michael, Seattle, WA
Branson/Malcolm, Ketchikan, AK
Bryant/William, San Francisco, CA
Busche/Ryan, Seattle, WA
Busche/Abigail, Seattle, WA
Chavez/Gabriela, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (Mexican National)
Choate/Jacquelyn, Santa Cruz, CA
Choate/Toni, San Francisco, CA
Christensen/Sheri, Federal Way, WA
Clemetson/Carolyn and infant son Spencer, Seattle, WA
Clemetson/David, Seattle, WA
Clemetson/Blake, Seattle, WA
Clemetson/Miles, Seattle,WA
Clemetson/Coriander, Seattle, WA
Cuthbertson/John, Danville, CA (British)
Deo/Avinesh, Seattle, WA
Donaldson/Monte, Seattle, WA
Forshee/Dean, Benicia, CA
Fosmire/Jerri, Eugene, OR
Friedmann/Allen, Round Lake Beach, IL
Gandesbery/Jean, Davis, CA
Gandesbery/Robert, Davis, CA
Hall/Meghann, Enumclaw, WA
Han/Aloysius, Oakland, CA
Hatleberg/Barbara, Eugene, OR
Hatleberg/Glenn, Eugene, OR
Hovey/Robert, San Francisco, CA
Ing/Russell, Seattle, WA
Janosik/Rachel, Bellevue, WA
Karlsson/Karl, Petaluma, CA
Karlsson/Carol, Petaluma, CA
Knight/Joseph, Monroe, WA
Knight/Linda, Monroe, WA
Knudson/William, Sacramento, CA
Laigo/Rodrigo, Fairfield, CA
Laigo/Naomi, Fairfield, CA
Long/Bradley, Sacramento, CA
Luque/James, San Francisco, CA
Marquez/Juan, San Francisco, CA
Ost/Ileana and infant daughter Emily, San Bruno, CA
Ost/Bob, San Bruno, CA
Oti/Cynthia, Oakland, CA
Pearson/Sarah and infant daughter Grace, Seattle, WA
Pearson/Rodney, Seattle, WA
Pearson/Rachel, Seattle, WA
Penna/Deborah, Seattle, WA
Permison/Jean, Scotts Valley, CA
Poll/Stanford, Mercer Island, WA
Prasad/Anjesh, Burien, WA
Prasad/Avinesh, Burien, WA
Pulanco "Clarke"/Paul, Seattle, WA
Russell/Charles, Hayward, CA
Ryan/Barbara, Redmond, WA
Ryan/Bradford, Redmond, WA
Ryan/James, Redmond, WA
Ryan/Terry, Redmond, WA
Salyer/Ellen, Sebastopol, CA
Schuyler/Stacy, Federal Way, WA
Shaw/Donald, Shelton, WA
Sipe/Charlene, Brier, WA
Smith/Joan, Belmont, CA
Sparks/Ryan, Enumclaw, WA
Stasinos/Harry, Brier, WA
Stockley/Thomas, Seattle, WA
Stockley/Margaret, Seattle, WA
Stokes/Janice, Ketchikan, AK
Thompson/Morrie, Fairbanks, AK
Thompson/Thelma, Fairbanks, AK
Thompson/Sheryl, Valdez, AK
Thorgrimson/Robert, Poulsbo, WA
Thorgrimson/Lorna, Poulsbo, WA
Voronoff/Nina, San Francisco, CA
Whorley/Colleen, Seattle, WA
Wilkie/Steve, San Francisco, CA
Williams/Bob, Poulsbo, WA
Williams/Patty, Poulsbo, WA


Aikey, Jessica
Allen, L. (2)
Alex, Christian
Alexander, Matthew, Florence, S.C.
Amlund, Svein
Anderson, Jay, 49, Larson Woods, Mo.
Anderson, Patricia, 42, Larson Woods, Mo.
Anderson, Seana, St. Louis
Babb, David, 13, Volant, Penn.
Baszczewski, Daniel
Beatty, Charles
Becker, Michelle, St. Petersburg, Fla.
Bellazoug, Miriam, 30, New York
Benjamin, Arthur, Philadelphia
Benjamin, Joan, Philadelphia
Berthe, Line
Berthe, Maurice
Bluestone, Nicolas, Pound Ridge, N.Y.
Bohlin, Michelle
Bossuyt, Luc
Bouhs, Leonie
Bower, Jordan
Breistroff, Michel
Brooks, Edwin, 81, Edgarton, Mass.
Brooks, Ruth, 79, Edgertown, Mass.
Bottaroni, Mirko, Fano, Italy
Caillaud, Daniel
Caillaud, Anthony
Carven, Paula, Bel Air, Md.
Carven, Jay, 9, Bel Air, Md.
Cayrol, Jacques
Chaillou, Jenny
Chanson, Ludovic, 12, Garancieres, France
Chemtob, Monique
Coiner, Constance, 48, Binghamton, N.Y.
Cox, Monica
Darley, Francois
Deboisredon, Cybele, Bordeaux, France
Delange, Sylvain
Delouvrier, Judith
Dhuimieres, Dominques
Dickey, Deborah, Montoursville, Penn.
Dickey, Douglas, Montoursville, Penn.
D'Lorio-Baily, Christine, Prato, Italy
D'Lorio, Pietro, Prato, Italy
Duarte-Coiner, Ana, Binghamton, N.Y.
DuPont, Guy
Dwyer, Larkyn
Ellison, Marie
Ersoz, Clara
Ersoz, Namik
Estival, Alexandre
Feeney, Deidre
Feeney, Vera
Ferrat, MR
Foster, Rod
Fouldon, Didier
Fry, Carol
Furlano, Rosaria
Gabor, Daniel, 27, Fayetteville, Ark. and Walnut Creek, Calif.
Gaetke, Daniel, Kansas City
Gaetke, Stephanie, Kansas City
Gallagher, Claire
Galland, Jean Paul
Gasq, C. (2)
Gough, Ana
Gough, Donald
Graham, Steven, 38, Naples, Calif.
Gray, Hank, 47, Memphis
Greene, Renee
Griffith, Donna
Grimm, Julia
Grivet, Cyril, Menio Park, Calif.
Gustin, Anne
Hammer, Beverly, Long Island, N.Y.
Hammer, Traci, Long Island, N.Y.
Hansen, Lars Groenbakken
Harris, Lawrence
Haurani, G., Grouse Point Shores, Mich.
Haurani, N., Grouse Point Shores, Mich.
Hazelton, Sandra
Hettler, Rance
Hill, Susan
Hochard, Jean Pierre
Hogan, David
Holst, Virginia
Holst, Eric
Hurd, J.
Jacquenot, Benoit
Jensen, Susanne
Johns, Courtneye, Clarkston, Mich.
Johnson, Jed, New York
Johnson, Leonard, Springfield, Va.
Johnson, Eleanor, Springfield, Va.
Jones, Romana
Karschner, Amanda
Krikhan, Margot
Krukar, Andrew, 40
Kwiat, Patricia
Kwiat, Kimberly
Labys, Jane, Morgantown, W.Va.
Lacailledesse, Antoine
Laforge, Alain
Lamour, Yvon
Lohan, Britta
Loudenslager, Jody, Montoursville, Penn.
Lucien, Dalila, 17
Loo, Patricia
Lychner, Pam
Lychner, Shannon
Lychner, Katie
Manchuelle, Francois
Maresq, Etienne
Maresq, Nicolas
Martin, Betty Ruth, Belleville, Ill.
Mazzola, Salvator, Palermo, Italy
Mercurio, Giuseppe, Palo del Colle, Italy
Merieux, Rodolphe
Meshulam, Avishaim
Miller, Elizabeth
Miller, Robert
Miller, Joan, Fairfield, Conn.
Miller, Amy, Andreas, Penn.
Miller, Kyle, Andreas, Penn.
Michel, Pascal
Murta, Angela, New York
Nelson, A. (2)
Nibert, Cheryl
Notes, Gadi
O'Hara, Caitlin, Irvington, N.Y.
O'Hara, Janet, Irvington, N.Y.
O'Hara, John, Irvington, N.Y.
Olsen, Rebecca, St. Petersberg, Fla.
Omiccioli, Monica, Fano, Italy
Orman, Alan
Ostachiewicz, Elsie (2)
Paquet, Ingrid
Paquet, Huguette
Pares, Serge
Penzer, Judy
Percy, Marion, Tuckahoe, N.Y.
Price, Peggy, Englewood, Colo.
Price, Dennis, Englewood, Colo.
Privette, Brenda, Stevenson, Ala.
Puhlmann, Rico
Puichaud, Elizabeth, Paris
Remy, Jacqueline
Rhein, Kirk
Rhoads, S.
Richey, Brent
Richter, Annelyse
Richter, Noemie
Rio, Celine
Rogers, Kimberly
Rojany, Yon, Studio City, Calif.
Romangna, Barbara
Rose, Katrina
Rupert, Judith
Scott, Barbara, Stevenson, Ala.
Scott, Joseph, Stevenson, Ala.
Scott, Michael, Stevenson, Ala.
Siebert, Brenna, Jefferson City, Mo.
Siebert, Chrisha, Jefferson City, Mo.
Shorter, Anamaria
Silverman, Candace, Los Angeles
Silverman, Etta, Los Angeles
Silverman, Gene, Los Angeles
Silverman, Jamie, Los Angeles
Skjold, Miss K.
Story, Bill
Straus, Carine
Teang, Lydie
Teang, Rachana
Thierty, Josette
Tofani, Mauro, Prato, Italy
Uzupis, Larissa
Vanepps, Lois
Watson, Jacquelin
Watson, Jill
Weaver, Monica
Weatherby, Thomas, Jefferson City, Mo.
Windmiller, Ruben
Wolfson, Eleanor
Wolfson, Wendy
Wolters, Bonnie, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Yee, Judith, New York
Zara, Jean
Operating Cockpit Crew:
Capt. Steven E. Snyder, 57, Stratford, Conn.
Capt. Ralph G. Kevorkian, 58, Garden Grove, Calif.
Flight Engineer Richard G. Campbell, 63, Ridgefield, Conn.
Flight Engineer Oliver Krick, 25, Lake St. Louis, Mo.
Deadheading Crew:
Capt. Gid Miller, 57, Sarasota, Fla.
First Officer R.L. Verhaeghe, 48, Goldsboro, N.C.
Flight Engineer D.A. Eshleman, 35, Aurora, Colo.
Operating Flight Attendants:
Charbonnier, Jacque, 66, Huntington Station, N.Y.
Callas, Dan, 22, Philadelphia
Charbonnier, Constance, 49, Huntington Station, N.Y.
Christopher, Janet, 48, Stamford Heights, Penn.
DiLuccio, Deb
Lang, Ray, 51, North Massapequa, N.Y.
Lockhart, Maureen, 49, Kansas City
Meade, Sandra, 42, Camano Island, Wash.
Melotin, Grace, 48, Coronna, N.Y.
Rhoads, Marit, 48, Belleville, Wash.
Schuldt, Mike, 51, Safety Harbor, Fla.
Torche, Melinda, 47, Irvine, Calif.
Ziemkiewiicz, Jill, 24, Rutherford, N.J.
Deadheading Crew:
Aikens-Bellamy, Sandra, 49, St. Albans, N.Y.
Braman, Rosie, 47, Hoboken, N.J.
Dodge, Warren, 50, Brentwood, N.H.
Edwards, Daryl, 41, Jersey City, N.J.
Griffith, Joanne, 39, Brooklyn, N.Y.
Harkness, Eric, 23, Birchwood, Ohio
Hull, James, 46, Southampton, Penn.
Ingenhuett, Lonnie, 43, Scottsdale, Ariz.
Loffredo, Elaine, 50, Glastonbury, Conn.
Luevano, Eli, 42, Albuquerque, N.M.
McPherson, Pamela, 45, Atlanta
Simmons, Olivia, 50, Orange, N.J.
Warren, Lani, 48, Sherman Oaks, Calif.


Various "Partial Birth" abortions since veto
Baby Hope – Partial Birth aborted
Various Haitians
Various Afghans and Sudanese (anti-terrorist attack)
17 Iraq civilians, stray missiles near Basra
20 civilians on ski lift in Italy
Dozens of Kurdish executed when White House withdrew support for CIA sponsored coup attemp to oust Saddam Hussein.
14 in Iraq
Another 14 in Iraq (same family)
505 in Jamaica
AFGHANISTAN: 2 million, 1979-1992...
ALGERIA: 75,000, 1992-1998...
ANGOLA: 500,000, 1975-1999...
BOSNIA: 250,000, 1991-1995...
BURUNDI: 200,000-250,000, 1993-1999....
CHECHNYA: 18,000 to 100,000, 1994-1996...
COLOMBIA: 30,000, 1960s-1999....
ETHIOPIA-ERITREA: unknown, 1998-1999...
GUATEMALA: 200,000, 1960-1996...
ISRAEL-PALESTINIANS: 125,000, 1948-1997...
KOSOVO: Western officials believe as many as 5,000 Serb soldiers or police died; Serb sources have cited a civilian death toll of about 2,000 and at least 500 deaths among their security forces. An estimated 2,000 people died under a crackdown on Kosovo's ethnic Albanian rebels before NATO started bombing. Among NATO forces, two Americans died in a helicopter training mission in northern Albania.
LIBERIA: 150,000, 1989-1997.....
NORTHERN IRELAND: 3,250, 1968-1998....
PERSIAN GULF WAR: 4,500 to 45,000, 1991....
RWANDA: 500,000 to 800,000, 1994....
SIERRA LEONE: 14,000, 1991-1999...
SPAIN: 800, 1961-1999...
SRI LANKA: 58,000, 1983-1999...
SUDAN: 1.5 million-1.9 million, 1983-1999....*
TURKEY: 37,000, 1984-1999....

KOSOVO 5/3199 AFP "...Serb officials put the death toll from the following incidents, most of which but not all NATO acknowledges as errors, at more than 460. Overall, they say, some 2,000 civilians have been killed since the start of the air campaign on March 24....

- April 5: A 250-kilo (550-pound) NATO bomb aimed at Yugoslav army barracks in Aleksinac in southern Serbia misses its target and lands in a residential area. Serbs put death toll at 17.
- April 9: NATO hits homes near a telephone exchange in the Kosovo capital, Pristina. NATO said civilian casualties were possible but neither side provided a death toll.
- April 12: A NATO pilot fires two missiles into a train crossing a bridge at Grdelicka Klisura in southern Serbia, killing 55 people, according to Belgrade. NATO insists the bridge, a key supply line for Yugoslav forces in Kosovo, was the target and that the pilot saw the train too late.
- April 14: NATO bombs refugee convoys in the Djakovica region of south-east Kosovo, leaving 75 dead, according to Belgrade. NATO, without confirming the civilian toll, said it was targeting military vehicles but admitted hitting two convoys.
- April 28: NATO, aiming for an army barracks in the Serb village of Surdulica (250 kms/150 miles south of Belgrade), bombs a residential area, leaving at least 20 civilians dead.
- May 1: NATO bombs a bridge at Luzane near Pristina, killing 47 people aboard a bus which was travelling along it. NATO, without confirming the figure, admitted the following day having targetted the bridge without the intention of causing civilian casualties.
- May 7: A NATO air raid hits central Nis in southeast Serbia, leaving at least 15 dead and 70 injured. NATO said its planes were aiming for a landing strip and a radio transmitter but that a cluster bomb had missed its mark.
- May 8: NATO mistakenly attacks the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, killing three journalists. The United States and NATO said the intended target was a Yugoslav building with military use, but US maps used in the planning of the operation were old and marked the embassy at a previous address.
- May 13: NATO bombs the village of Korisa, leaving 87 civilians dead according to the Serbs. The allies claim that the civilians were being used as "human shields" and that Korisa was a legitimate military target.
- May 20: A Belgrade hospital is hit by a missile at around 1:00 a.m., killing three patients. NATO attributes the accident to a missile which went astray during an attack on a nearby military barracks.
- May 21: NATO bombs Istok prison in north-west Kosovo. Alliance officials insist the prison was being used as an assembly point for Serb forces in the province. Serbs say at least 100 inmates and a prison officer were killed.
- May 22: NATO admits bombing by mistake positions of the Kosovo Liberation Army at Kosare, near the border with Albania. Sources close to the KLA say seven guerillas were killed and 15 injured.
- May 30: NATO bombs a highway bridge at Varvarin in a daytime raid in central Serbia. The Serbs claim 11 people died while attempting to cross the bridge in their cars. NATO has not confirmed whether there were cars on the bridge and insists the bridge was a legitimate military garget.
- May 31: Missiles strike a sanatorium at Surdulica, southern Serbia, killing at least 20 people, according to the Serb authorities. NATO says it successfully attacked a military barracks in the town but refuses to confirm, or categorically deny, hitting the hospital.
May 31: A NATO bomb aimed at a military compound strikes a four-storey apartment block in the town of Novi Pazar. NATO confirms one of its bombs went astray and landed in a residential area. Serb authorities report 23 dead...."
Inside the Pentagon 10/28/99 "….Speaking by telephone in Washington, DC, on Oct. 21, [Gen Wesley] Clark told Inside the Pentagon the discovery of genocidvictims "absolutely" substantiates an earlier estimate by the United Nations' chief administrator in Kosovo, Bernard Kouchner, that 11,000 bodies were interred in mass graves. Some doubt was cast on Kouchner's statement when the war crimes tribunal for the former Yugoslavia immediately disavowed the number, according to a tribunal spokesman…… But the Yugoslavia war crimes tribunal spokesman, Paul Risley, told Inside the Pentagon on Oct. 27 that while forensics investigations carried out to date are consistent with projections for a death toll in the neighborhood of 10,000 to 11,000 Kosovar Albanians, just one-quarter of that inquiry has been completed. With about 325 of a suspected 450 mass grave sites yet to be examined, only a fraction of the anticipated victims have been uncovered. Asked if 11,000 bodies had already been found, Risley responded, "Of course not." ….. As it stands, the figure Clark cited exceeds some U.S. government tallies by nearly an order of magnitude. A State Department official, for example, told ITP this week that the remains of just 1,400 Kosovar Albanians have been discovered. If that assessment is correct, ultimately the death toll could be closer to 5,600 -- still a horrific number but well short of the level of genocide many Western officials accused Serbs of carrying out last spring….."
The Spectator 11/4/99 John Laughland "…..Note that the total number of bodies dug up by about 400 forensic scientists from 40 countries now stands at 670 and includes:
(1) About 100 prisoners of unknown nationality from the Kosovo Prison bombed by NATO. Some of these were killed by bombs and others shot while trying to escape;
(2) Several persons that the Spanish forensic experts found had died of natural causes;
(3) Up to 250 Albanians killed in NATO strafing and bombing runs;
(4) A few of the 600 Serbs kidnapped since the end of the war;
(5) A few Albanians, Serbs and other nationalities kidnapped and killed in the months before the NATO bombing;
(6) A few hundred of the estimated 4,000 KLA troops killed during the war.
(7) A few Kosovo resident that picked up cluster bombs at the last days of the war;
(8) A few dozen Serb soldiers and reservists that are still missing from the war;
Serb soldiers have, however, admitted that Serb paramilitaries did murder civilians. Other Serbs have admitted that NATO bombs killed some 1,200 Serbs within the FRY. The cluster bombs and to a lesser extent Serb mines will continue killing for some time. In France farmers were still being killed by bombs forty years after WWII. ….."
AP 11/10/99 "….Nearly 400 people have been murdered in Kosovo since NATO troops established control over the province, and a disproportionate number of them were Serbs, according to figures released today by NATO officials. Of the 379 people murdered, 135 were Serbs, 145 were ethnic Albanians and the rest were of unknown or other ethnic origins, Maj. Ole Irgens said. But the numbers must be seen in the context of the dwindling Serb and majority Albanian populations in Kosovo. While no recent census figures are available, Kosovo's ethnic Albanian population was nearing 2 million before they were temporarily pushed out by the Serbs this spring. The Serbs, originally numbering about 200,000, have been fleeing attacks by ethnic Albanians seeking revenge for the earlier Serb crackdown that left 10,000 people dead. Today, the Serb population in Kosovo is thought to be only in the tens of thousands. The homicide figures appeared to support fears that Serbs were facing large-scale attacks based on their ethnicity….."


 Note: all are before Clinton’s administration, but are included here because of other information dealing with criminal activity in the South
Rep Larkin Smith - died in airplane accident, was previously a Dixie Mafia target
Pauline Pusser - killed in an ambush (Buford Pusser’s wife)
Harry Bennett – shot
L.B. Kelly – shot
Ellwood T. Steube – shot
George Fuqua – shot
Doris Ann Willingham Grooms – shot
Deputy Sheriff E.R. "Buddy" Walthers - shot when he went to question a Dixie Mafia member
Gary Elbert McDaniel – shot
Margie George – victim, hatchet and shot
Carl Douglas "Towhead" White – shot
Bobby Gale Gwinn – shot
Donald Lester "Jimmy" James – shot
Jack Howard Joy - shot in the chest, soaked and set on fire
Winston Fairley – dismembered
George Albert McGann – shot
Jerry Michael Meshell – shot
Clifford Hugh Fuller - shot
Johnson, Tracy – shot
William Mulvey – shot
Stephen Jeffrey Lee – shot
Dewey D'Angelo - shot

James Whitake (Mena airplane mechanic)
James Avant (helicopter crash, Deputy Sherrif Pulaski County)
Kevin Brosch (helicopter crash, Criminal Investigator)


Marine Sgt. Jesse Aliganga, 21, Tallahassee, Fl
Consul General Julian Bartley, 55, Jacksonville, FL
Jay Bartley, 20, son of the Consul General
Jean Dalizu, 60, Washington DC
Molly Huckaby Hardy, 51, Valdosta GA
Army Sgt. Kenneth Hobson II 27, Lama MO
Prabbi Guptara Kavaler, 45, McLean VA
Arlene Kirk, 50, South Bend, Ind
Mary Louise Martin, 45, Atlanta GA
Ann Michelle O'Connor, 36, Baton Rouge LA
Air Force Senior Master Sgt. Sherry Lynn Olds, 40, Panama City, FL
Uttamlal Shah, 38, Vienna VA


Duane Garrett July 26 1995 7/26/95

Lance Herndon

Doug Adams 
Died Jan 7 1997 Long before Whitewater's land flips made the Clinton's circle of friends rich, many of the same players had been involved in a similar land swindle in Branson. Doug Adams was a lawyer in Arkansas who got involved trying to help the people who were being swindled out of their life savings.

Sandy Hume February 22nd, 1998

Larry Lawrence  

Ed Willey November 30, 1993

John F Kennedy Jr died: 7/16/99 

Sonny Bono

Tony Moser  June 10, 2000