Thursday, April 28, 2011


 Mary Beth Grismore May 3 1978  was strangled and found in a car trunk in Ohio, May 3, 1978.

Paula Gober, Nov 9 1992 She died in a car accident on December 9, 1992 with no known witnesses   Car Accident (Clinton Speech Interpreter)

Susan Coleman  Dec 9 1992 (Alleged Clinton Girlfriend, 7.5 months pregnant, Gunshot to head)
Kathy Ferguson May 11, 1993 (ex-wife of Clinton co-defendant, Gunshot to head) Kathy Ferguson, the ex-wife of Arkansas State Trooper Danny Ferguson, was found dead with a gunshot wound to the head, in Sherwood, AR. On May 11, 1993,

Bill Shelton 12 June 1994 (Arkansas state trooper, Kathy Ferguson's fiancee, Gunshot to head)
Judy Gibbs, ?/?/?     died: 1996                    Fire (Alleged Clinton Girlfriend, Witness) Penthouse model and call girl..

        Mary Mahoney July 6, 1997    (Former White House intern shot multiple times in a Starbucks, pockets picked, no cash register money taken)

. .

James Bunch ?/?/?                   ("Black Book" keeper, gunshot)

Wallace Blaylock ?/?/? (husband of Lenora Steinkamp - lady in Drudge video taped 93 aired 9/98, gunshot) Sunday Times of London 9/20/98 Matthew Campbell Tony Allen-Mills ".When news spread that investigators had found a video sequence showing Clinton ushering a dark-haired woman into the Oval Office hallway where he used to linger with Monica Lewinsky, many in Washington leapt to an instant and erroneous conclusion: a new "smoking bimbo" had been found who might finally shatter the president's efforts to win back trust and respect. It eventually emerged that the woman was not a "mystery intern", as several media outlets reported. She was Lenora Steinkamp, a 49-year-old kindergarten teacher from Arkansas who has been a close friend of the Clintons since they were neighbours 20 years ago in Little Rock..For veteran Clinton-haters, the most startling revelation had nothing to do with Steinkamp's White House visits but the fact that she was the second woman linked to Clinton this year whose husband had killed himself...It was in September 1986 that Steinkamp's first husband, Wallace Blaylock, was found dead at their colonial-style home. Blaylock, a restorer of historic houses, was said to have been having financial problems. Police said he had shot himself while his wife was out getting him some anti-depressant medicine. Steinkamp remarried two years later and moved to Washington after Clinton became president. In 1993 she was filmed jogging with Clinton. The next year her second husband, Richard, was named general counsel for the Office of Federal House Enterprise Oversight, an independent unit within the housing and urban development department.."

Kathy Ferguson (ex-wife of Clinton co-defendant, Gunshot to head)
Bill Shelton (Arkansas state trooper, Kathy Ferguson's fiancee, Gunshot to head)
Susan Coleman (Alleged Clinton Girlfriend, 7.5 months pregnant, Gunshot to head)
James Bunch ("Black Book" keeper, gunshot)

Wallace Blaylock (husband of Lenora Steinkamp - lady in Drudge video taped 93 aired 9/98, gunshot)

Theodore Williams, Betty Currie's brother, Beaten before Betty's Senate testimony then Car/Pedestrian Accident during Monica story(Key Witness' brother)

Judy Gibbs,  died: 1996                Fire (Alleged Clinton Girlfriend, Witness)

Paula Gober, Car Accident (Clinton Speech Interpreter)

Mary Mahoney (Former White House intern shot multiple times in a Starbucks, pockets picked, no cash register money taken)
Eric Butera (Starbucks informant, beaten to death in sting)
 link for mary mahoney and eric butera

Mary Beth (Pixie) Grismore (politically connected, murdered

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