Sunday, April 17, 2011


link to notes on suicides

Vincent Foster (Whitehouse Deputy Counsel, Gunshot to mouth, neck wounds)
Jon Parnell Walker (RTC Investigator on Whitewater, fell from top of Lincoln Towers). 
 John Parnell Walker was a Washington investigator who had been probing into the Whitewater case, of which Vince Foster may have harbored more undisclosed knowledge than anyone. Walker "jumped" out of a window from the 22nd floor of an apartment building on August 15th.
John A. Wilson (Former Wash D.C. councilman, hung)

Kathy Ferguson (ex-wife of Clinton co-defendant, Gunshot to head)
Bill Shelton (Arkansas state trooper, Kathy Ferguson's fiancee, Gunshot to head)
Susan Coleman (Alleged Clinton Girlfriend, 7.5 months pregnant, Gunshot to head)
James Bunch ("Black Book" keeper, gunshot)

Wallace Blaylock (husband of Lenora Steinkamp - lady in Drudge video taped 93 aired 9/98, gunshot)

Niko Junic (In charge of the radio beacon/Brown Crash, Gunshot)

Loudenslager, Michael
Terrance Yeakey (First policeman at the Murrah Building, gun shot wound/slashes0

Danny Casolaro (Investigator INSLAW, "Octopus" - Wrists Slashed)

Sharlott A. Donovan (Ret TechSgt/WH Comm Office, Plastic Bag over Head)

Admiral Boorda (CNO, gunshot chest)

Frank Aller (Clinton roommate at Oxford, repentant of draft dodging, Gunshot to mouth)

Robert Bates (Mena mechanic, witness) - drank himself to death on mouthwash

Raymond Albright (shot 5 times in chest, ruled suicide by M.E. Malak)  1985

Charles Wilbourne Miller, Exec of Alltel - successor to Jackson Stephen's Systematics (gunshot)

Gordon Matteson (Clinton friend/associate, Shot to head) Died 5/15/97

Calvin Walraven (Witness Jocelyn Elders son's drug case, Gunshot)

Marine Cpl Eric S. Fox, assigned to helicopter squadron for president (gun shot to head)

Peter John Berwick, shot to death witness in federal investigation Arkansas company

John Arthur Paisley (CIA, gunshot to head, found in river…)

Laurence Martin (OKC surviver, suicide by plane crash)

Kenneth Trentadue (OK prisoner)

Li Fuxiang (foreign exchange, jump)

John I Millis (House Intelligence, CIA)

Evan Hunziker (held in North Korea)

Charlene Edwards (INS Miami)

Franz Lanz (ARL scientist, informant)

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