Sunday, April 17, 2011


link for notes to murders section

Mary Mahoney (Former White House intern shot multiple times in a Starbucks, pockets picked, no cash register money taken)
Eric Butera (Starbucks informant, beaten to death in sting)
 link for mary mahoney and eric butera

Mary Beth (Pixie) Grismore (politically connected, murdered)

Luther "Jerry" Parks (Provided security for Clinton's campaign, multiple gunshots) April 1993 
Jerry Parks, the Clinton security aide in Arkansas, known to have been keeping a dossier on Clinton, is gunned down two months after Foster’s death in his car outside of Little Rock. Parks is shot through the rear window of his car and shot three more times, thru the side window, with a 9mm pistol.

Another obvious murder was JerryParks, Clinton's head of security in Little Rock. Immediately following news of Foster's death, Parks reportedly told his family, "Bill Clinton is cleaning house." Just weeks after the Parks' home had been broken into and his files on Clinton stolen, Parks was shot four times in his car.

Jerry Luther Parks was the head of security for theClinton-Gore Little Rock headquarters in 1992.  On September 26, 1996, he was murdered down while driving through a Little Rock intersection.  A lone gunman fired seven shots at him.  This was two months after Vince Foster's death.  Both Parks' wife and son have said that they believe Parks was murdered and that he feared for his life.  His murder has never been solved.  According to Gary ParksJerryParks' son, the files were on the sexual escapades of Bill Clinton.  They were not removed from Parks' house after his death.  According to investigative reporter Christopher Ruddy, the files that Parks had been keeping on Clinton were taken during a burglary several weeks before Parks' death.  Clyde Steelman, the homicide sergeant investigating the murders for the Little Rock Police told New York Times Magazine writer Philip Weiss that he didn't believe the theories of Parks' son and wife and that he'd found no evidence of the alleged files..

The Secret Life of Bill Clinton 1997 Ambrose Evans-Pritchard "……..It was another three months before news of the murder of JerryLuther Parks reached me in Washington. The U.S. national media were largely unaware of the story, which surprised me becauseParks had been in charge of security at the 1992 Clinton-Gore campaign headquarters in Little Rock. (4) …….. On my next trip to the state I decided to drop by at the archives of The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette to see if they had covered the death. There were two routine homicide stories by reporter Ward Pincus, mostly focusing on disputes that Parks had had with a former partner. ……… I contacted the writer..............son of Walter Pincus, the intelligence correspondent for the Washington Post and a friend of Vincent Foster. …….. What his son told me was astounding. When he spoke to Jane Parks the day after the death, she said that her husband had been involved with Vince Foster and she seemed to think there was a political dimension to the murder. She was distraught, almost hysterical. Ward Pincus did not know what to make of it, so he consulted his editors at The Democrat-Gazette. Should he go out to visit the widow and try to find out what on earth she was talking about? No, they said, don't' bother. Soon afterward, Jane Parks withdrew into her shell and refused to give any interviews to the press. ……."

Jerry Parks
Former police officer and security contractor to William J. Clinton. Accompanied Dan Lasater on several occasions assisting in the pick up of large white coolers marked "medical supplies" delivered by U.S. army helicopters. Jerry Parks was killed execution style in 1994.

 link jerry parks

alamo girl site link for jerry parks:

Young has been implicated by reporter Ambrose Evans-Pritchard in the 1993 murder of Jerry Parks after Parks presumably threatened to go public with, or perhaps even use for blackmail, his knowledge gained as security contractor for the Clinton campaign. We know from the ABC tape that Bruce Lindsey is Buddy Young's White House contact.." link-----

Ed Gould (Clinton's HIV/AIDS Advisory Council, Toxic) (malak?)

Kevin Ives (Witness to Mena, skull crushed, left to be run over by train)
Don Henry (Witness to Mena, stabbed, left to be run over by train)
On August 23, 1987

Jeff Rhodes (Ives/Henry Witness, gunshot to head)
Keith McKaskle (Ives/Henry Informant, Stabbed)
Gregory Collins (Ives/Henry Informant, Gunshot to Head)
James Milon (Ives/Henry Informant, Decapitated)
Richard Winters (Ives/Henry Suspect, Shotgunned)
Jordan Ketelson (Ives/Henry Informant, Shotgunned)
Mike Samples (Ives/Henry witness)

Florence Martin (Accountant with info on Barry Seal, Gunshot to head)
Alder Berriman (Barry) Seal (Mena, Murdered)

Larry Guerin INSLAW Feb 1987 (Inslaw Investigator, unknown) Over time, Michael Riconosciuto lost three lawyers and an investigator under what could be construed as mysterious circumstances.  In February 1987 Larry Guerrin, a private investigator conducting Inslaw-connected work for Riconosciuto, was killed in Mason County, Washington.  After Eisman's death, in April 1993, another attorney who worked with Riconosciuto, John Crawford, died suddenly from a heart attack in Tacoma.  (Stich, p. 407).  The decomposed body of a third Riconosciuto lawyer, Paul Wilcher, was found in Wilcher's Washington, DC apartment on June 23, 1993. )

Alan Standorf INSLAW (NSA, Inslaw Investigator, unknown.  Riconosciuto had introduced Casolaro to Standorf as an electronic intelligence operative of the NSA, working at the Vint Hill military installation in Virginia that gathered information from espionage satellites and other sources throughout the world.  Casolaro agreed that Standorf had important information linking the Justice Department to parts of the various scandals he was researching.  After Standorf's death, Casolaro mentioned to a friend, Bill Turner, that a key source had vanished.

Dennis Eisman INSLAW (Inslaw attorney, Riconosciuto's attorney, Shot.Attorney Dennis Eisman was shot to death in April 1991. Eisman was building a defense for Riconosciuto against the charges filed by the Justice Department prosecutors as they sought to silence Riconosciuto.  Eisman was found dead, killed by a single bullet in his chest. According to a former federal official who worked with Eisman, the attorney was found dead in the parking lot where he had been due to meet with a woman who had crucial evidence to share substantiating Riconosciuto's claims and twenty-four hours before he was to meet with Michael Riconosciuto.  ) On June 19, 1991, Alan Michael May was found dead in his San Francisco home. May had reportedly been involved with Michael Riconosciuto and the movement of $40 million in bribe money to the Iranians, in the operation known as the "October Surprise."
Over time, Michael Riconosciuto lost three lawyers and an investigator under what could be construed as mysterious circumstances.  In February 1987 Larry Guerrin, a private investigator conducting Inslaw-connected work for Riconosciuto, was killed in Mason County, Washington.  After Eisman's death, in April 1993, another attorney who worked with Riconosciuto, John Crawford, died suddenly from a heart attack in Tacoma.  (Stich, p. 407).  The decomposed body of a third Riconosciuto lawyer, Paul Wilcher, was found in Wilcher's Washington, DC apartment on June 23, 1993. 

Mitchell D. Abel, (Cocaine dealer and student re Tyson, Gunshot)
link 1
link 2,+choked+on+a+cookie+(half+brother+to+Don+Tyson)&cd=3&hl=en&ct=clnk&

Eric L. Henderson (financial advisor to Ron Brown, shot while riding bicycle)

Judy Danielak (journalist, sniper)

Cecil Boren (by escaped inmate, tainted blood whistleblower)

JohnD Muskopf (CIA Analyst, murder in robbery attempt)

Lee Scott Hall (stabbed, Lawrence Livermore Lab employee)

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